Begge Monster Hunter Stories-spil samlet i én Deluxe Collection!
Monster Hunter Stories Deluxe Collection
Begge Monster Hunter Stories-spil samlet i én Deluxe Collection!
- Monster Hunter Stories
- Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin (Deluxe Edition)
Bemærk: Monster Hunter Stories og Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings Of Ruin kan begge købes separat. Pas på, at du ikke kommer til at købe noget to gange.
*Bemærk venligst, at disse titler fås i to samlepakker, Monster Hunter Stories Collection og Monster Hunter Stories Deluxe Collection.
*Køb pakken inden søndag den 1. september 2024 kl. 03:59 UTC for at få de tidsbegrænsede bonusser i begge titler, som ikke længere kan fås ved separat køb af de to titler.
Begrænset bonus
Monster Hunter Stories
- Køb tidligt for at få “King”- og “Queen”-kostumer til Navirou.
Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin
- Køb tidligt for at få “Kamura Maiden Outfit” til Ena.
*Bonusindholdet er tilgængeligt for kunder, der køber spillet inden 03.59 UTC den 01/09-2024.
*Dette indhold kan blive sat til salg separat på et senere tidspunkt.
*Kostumer til Ena og Navirou er kosmetiske og ændrer kun figurens udseende.
Om spillet
Bemærk: For pakkeprodukterne “Monster Hunter Stories Collection” og “Monster Hunter Stories Deluxe Collection” vil den begrænsede bonus være tilgængelig for alle, der køber pakken inden kl. 03:59 UTC den 1. september 2024.
Monster Hunter Stories er en rollespil, der foregår i Monster Hunter-universet og fortæller videre på historien på nye og spændende måder! Nu jager du ikke kun monstre, men du opdrætter dem også! I denne medrivende historie med helte kendt som Monster Riders vil du leve sammen med monstrene og knytte livslange bånd til dem.
Det første spil i Monster Hunter Stories-serien vender tilbage med stemmer på både japansk og engelsk og ekstra muligheder som et nyt museum, hvor du kan lytte til musik og se konceptbilleder, der lader dig dykke endnu dybere ned i Monster Hunter Stories' verden.
Som helten i historien blev du født i en landsby fyldt med Riders, som opdrætter monstre. Du skal gennemføre prøvelser, mens du vokser op som Rider, og du må forlade din landsby for at drage ud på eventyr. Din destination: Hunter-verdenen, hvor de lever af at jagte monstre. Selvom deres livsstil er helt fremmed, må du lære at leve og arbejde sammen med Hunters, så du kan knytte Hunters' og Riders' verdener tættere sammen.
Tingene tager en dyster drejning, da en katastrofe kaldet The Black Blight pludselig truer hele verden og de fredelige tilværelser, I tog for givet ... Både Riders og Hunters vil blive prøvet, når de tager kampen op mod denne trussel.
Nøglerne til at redde verden er The Kinship Stones skjulte kraft og sandheden om Legend of Redan, der gemmer på den længe vogtede hemmelighed om Riders' oprindelse! På din episke rejse vil du opdage den sande mening med Kinship, som vokser i takt med, at du knytter stærkere bånd! En historie om venskab og triumf venter dig, så rid ind i Monster Hunter Stories' verden!
Spillet indeholder:
■ Et turbaseret RPG, der foregår i Monster Hunter-verdenen!
Monster Hunter Stories har et strategisk kampsystem, som er let at lære, selv hvis man har svært ved actionspil. Brug Power-, Speed- og Technical-angreb til at gætte og overvinde din modstanders angrebsmønstre, forvolde stor skade og vinde de ophedede dueller! Opbyg din Kinship Gauge, der lader dig bruge færdigheder eller prøve dine monstres unikke Kinship Skills!
■ Gør populære monstre fra serien til dine Monsties!
Udforsk landskabet ved hjælp af Monstie-evner, udklæk æg, som du finder undervejs, og gør forskellige monstre til Monsties! Spillet har mange populære monstre fra Monster Hunter-serien, inklusive Zinogre, Nargacuga og Lagiacrus.
The Rite of Channeling er et ritual, som vækker latente egenskaber i dine Monsties, så du kan opdrætte originale Monsties og besejre mægtige fjender!
■ Online-funktioner
Skab en stærk gruppe med de Monsties, du har opdrættet, og gå i kamp mod andre spillere med dem!
■ Både japanske og engelske stemmer
Fortællingen bliver endnu mere medrivende af, at alle stemmer nu er indtalt på både japansk og engelsk.
■ Ekstra museumsindhold
Du kan beundre mere end 200 konceptbilleder, inklusive nogle, der aldrig er vist offentligt før, og utallige musiknumre. Nogle af numrene kan for første gang høres i surroundsound!
■ Alle opdatering medfølger
Indeholder alle de monstre, der blev tilføjet i opdateringerne af det originale spil, som Kushala Daora, Testra og Rajang, sammen med det udvidede slutspil og flere slutninger på karakterernes historier, så dette er den komplette samling!
Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin Trial Version
●Notice of Change in System Requirements
As a result of NVIDIA announcing the end of support for certain GPUs from October 4, 2021, the minimum and recommended system requirements for this game have changed.
Please make sure to check the updated requirements before purchase.
About the Game
Note: For the bundle products, Monster Hunter Stories Collection and Monster Hunter Stories Deluxe Collection, the limited bonus of both titles will be available to anyone who purchases the bundle by 11:59 p.m. EDT on August 31st, 2024.
Hatch, raise, and live alongside monsters as a Monster Rider in this fun-filled RPG set in the Monster Hunter universe.
◆ Story
What you've been entrusted with could bring hope or terror…
It is the night of a festival in Mahana, the central village of Hakolo Island.
Rathalos all around the world are vanishing.
You are the grandchild of Red, whose Monstie was Guardian Ratha, the revered protector of Hakolo Island. Upon setting out to gain experience as a Rider, you encounter Ena, a Wyverian girl who once knew Red. In order to protect the egg that Guardian Ratha has entrusted her with, you decide to leave the island together.
There are strange things happening everywhere. As you try to figure out what is causing these environmental abnormalities, the egg finally hatches.
A flightless Rathalos with small wings bursts out of the egg.
◆ Go Egg Collecting and Hatch Some Monstie Travel Companions
Form bonds with monsters as you embark on a Rider's journey!
The monsters you befriend during this enthralling adventure become your loyal Monsties.
There is a diverse range of monsters that inhabit every nook and cranny of this world.
Throughout your daring escapades, you can become pals with fearsome and unique monsters such as Brachydios, Seregios, Nargacuga, Tigrex, Zinogre, Kushala Daora, and Teostra!
Find more monsters along the way and add them to your party!
Eggs can be found in Monster Dens that randomly appear in the field.
There are even some rare dens that pop up infrequently where you can get your hands on elusive monster eggs and ones that contain hard-to-find genes.
Once you have made it safely out of the Monster Den, bring the egg to the Stables and hatch it to get a new Monstie for your journey!
These are special skills that you can perform while riding a Monstie. Depending on the Monstie, you can gain an ability such as dashing, flying, or swimming.
There are also other actions that allow you to search for items more effectively when out in the field.
◆ Monstie Growth
Line up genes to level up your Monsties!
After hatching Monsties, you can strengthen them through battles and the Rite of Channeling.
The Rite of Channeling is a ritual that allows you to transfer a gene from one Monstie to another.
By doing this, you can awaken a new ability in the Monstie receiving the gene, thereby creating your own original Monstie.
During the ritual, you can choose which slot you will place the gene in. This gives you the opportunity to enhance your Monsties by awakening new skills and abilities in interesting combinations.
◆ Turn-Based Battles
Master the three attack types to gain the upper hand during turn-based battles!
The improved turn-based combat system allows you to experience the excitement of the main Monster Hunter titles while engaging in epic, strategic fights with monsters you encounter during your adventure.
There are three attack types: Power, Speed, and Technical. By predicting your opponent's attack type and winning a Head-to-Head, you can inflict massive damage as well as greatly fill your Kinship Gauge.
Duke it out using the weapons and armor that the Monster Hunter series is known for!
Six weapon types from the familiar Monster Hunter series lineup are available in this game too. Master each of their unique characteristics and forge equipment to fit your individual playing style. Layered armor is also available, so you can hunt in style while wearing your favorite equipment.
◆ Multiplayer
In Multiplayer, you can connect with players from around the world! Team up in Co-Op Expedition Quests or face off against each other in Versus Battles.
If one of you engages a monster while out in the field, the other player can enter the fray and lend a helping hand.
Join forces with other Riders from all over the globe to search for rare eggs and take down fearsome monsters together.
◆ Downloadable Content
From hairstyles for your Rider to outfits for Ena and Navirou, there is a wide assortment of exciting downloadable content available.
You can purchase downloadable content individually or in packs. You can even get all of the available downloadable content at once for a bargain with the All-In Extra Content Pack!
Give the characters a fresh look and take your adventure to new heights!
Minimum Requirements:
Recommended Requirements:
This game is age restricted.