Step out and brave the rough Barents Sea to catch a new type of prey: The king crab.
Stelle dich den Herausforderungen der rauen Barentssee, um eine neue Spezies zu fangen: die Königskrabben. Lade Käfige auf eines der zwei neuen Schiffe und suche nach Brutgebieten, um den fettesten Fang einzuholen. Optimiere das Einholen mit 2 neuen Mini-Spielen: Nutze den Kran, um die Krabbenkörbe einzuholen, und trenne die männlichen Krabben von den weiblichen und sorge für den gesunden Fortbestand der lokalen Tierpopulation.
© 2018-2022 Misc Games AS. Published and developed by Misc Games. All rights reserved. All manufacturers, ships, ship equipment, names, brands and associated imagery featured in this game in some cases include trademarks and/or copyrighted materials of their respective owners. The ships and equipment in this game may be different from the actual ships in shapes, colours and performance. All other names, trademarks and logos are property of their respective owners.
NOTICE: This content requires the base game Fishing: Barents Sea on Steam in order to play.
Minimum Requirements:
Recommended Requirements:
This game is age restricted.