In this new scripted campaign, you accompany Dexter and his faithful Labrador Retriever Darius in ...
Schützen und Bewahren: das ist das Motto der Ranger.
In dieser neuen Kampagne nach Drehbuch begleiten Sie Dexter und seinen treuen Labrador-Retriever Darius in seinem täglichen Leben als Ranger eines Nationalparks in Colorado. Als echter Naturschützer erkunden Sie ein riesiges Gebiet rund um Ihre Hütte, um Tiere zu finden und zu behandeln, Proben für Analysen zu sammeln, die Ausbreitung invasiver Arten zu kontrollieren und Ihre Umwelt gesund zu erhalten.
©2020 Published by Nacon and developed by Neopica. All rights reserved.
All weapons, clothes, equipment and brand names and logos are the properties of their respective owners. The license for the Winchester® trademark is granted to Browning International by the Olin Corporation (USA). Browning is a Trademark of Browning International S.A. Bushnell trademarks and product designs are property of Bushnell Inc. and used with permission. SAKO and TIKKA are registered trademarks of Sako LTD, a Beretta Group Company. All rights reserved. Kryptek and the Kryptek helmet logos are registered trademarks of Kryptek Outdoor Group, LLC in the US and other countries and the camouflage and patterns of Kryptek Outdoor Group, LLC are protected by copyright and patent registrations.
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