Best Classes on Elden Ring for Beginners

Best Classes on Elden Ring for Beginners

Elden Ring is finally here and this RPG game has a lot to offer. Although those who are familiar with Dark Souls or Souls-like PC games might find their way around faster, beginners might need some help figuring out which class is the right one.

Tarnished or not, the Lands Between is full of danger and enemies are lurking in every corner. From gigantic beasts to poison-spreading plant-like creatures, we don’t exactly know how to describe them, the beginners quickly realize that they need some reinforcements while starting up their journey in Elden Ring.

The moment you start the game, you encounter the first choice you must make. And that is selecting your character’s class. While Elden Ring gives you multiple options to chose from, the number of classes and their different stats might be intimidating for the newcomers. Each class has its own ups and downs when it comes to attributes such as Vigor, Intelligence, or Dexterity.

But you’re in luck!

Because we have some suggestions for the best start-up classes for each playstyle ready.

Best Classes on Elden Ring for Beginners

Let us start by telling you that, actually you can achieve your own “ultimate build” with each class. Every class can wield every weapon or learn every spell. But some might take more runes to excel in certain stats. Choosing the right class might give you some advantages in the beginning as you are learning to navigate through these vast lands and it can keep you safe, well actually, safer from the alternatives.

1. Vagabond

Best Classes on Elden Ring for Beginners

The first class on the list, Vagabond might look like the regular knight in shining armor. A beacon of knightly purity, this class comes in with heavy armor, a shield, a halberd, and a longsword worthy of a true gatekeeper. Looking at its starting stats, high Vigor, and slightly lower Strength and Dexterity makes this class perfect for learning what works in the game.

Although it lacks some Mind and Intelligence and if you are not planning on relying on magic in the rest of your journey, this is the tankiest start you can find.

Just like the real-life knights, this class moves a bit slower compared to the rest because of its heavy gear. We suggest unequipping some of the armor or the halberd in safer zones to move faster.

2. Warrior

Best Classes on Elden Ring for Beginners

Next up on the list, is the offensive Warrior class. Starting with the highest Dexterity compared to the others, the Warrior class wields two scimitars, moves around quickly, and deals great damage to its enemies. Only equipped with a wooden shield that can deal some of the enemy damage, this class is a greatly balanced choice for those who are open to exploring both melee and sorcery.

Warriors have lighter armor so it is easier for the player to dodge in critical times. However, this class also has a low HP level, which means the players must carefully execute their attacks to be victorious.

3. Prophet

Best Classes on Elden Ring for Beginners

With the highest Faith stat, Prophet is a good choice if you prefer incantations and spells rather than your melee abilities. But luckily, this class is equipped with a short spear and a medium-level shield that can be used to defend yourself to a certain level in close combat.

One interesting thing Prophet can perform early on in the game is its Fire and Health incantations which comes in handy while dealing with bosses. If shooting fire is not enough, you can also perform timely attacks on your enemies with your spear and give good damage.

4. Hero

Best Classes on Elden Ring for Beginners

Melee fans everywhere, rejoice! The Hero, embodiment of the classical melee skills that Souls-like PC games are well-known for also makes its presence known in the Lands Between. The fearless Hero has the highest Strength level compared to the rest and proves its skills in each close combat.

If you prefer using well-timed attacks, rather than staying far away from a challenge, Hero is the one thanks to its starting weapon “Battle Axe” and its leather shield. However, its light Champion armor makes it more vulnerable to attacks. This class has a moderate level of Intelligence and Faith so it might need more runes to increase these stats and cast incantations.

5. Wretch

Best Classes on Elden Ring for Beginners

This class is basically a blank page for those who prefer to create their own build and do some experiments. So, if you are not sure what to do with your character or if you think that you can decide on it after you play for a while, this is the one.

From its Strength to its Intelligence, every stat of Wretch is actually 10 and it’s starting weapon is just a Club. And also, Wretch is almost naked. But who runs away from a good-old Souls-like challenge?

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