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12 Dec 2023 Flashsale 14:00
Across The Obelisk: Spooky night in Senenthia
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Across The Obelisk: Spooky night in Senenthia
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Across The Obelisk: Spooky night in Senenthia
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Across The Obelisk: Spooky night in Senenthia
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Across The Obelisk: Spooky night in Senenthia
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Across The Obelisk: Spooky night in Senenthia
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Across The Obelisk: Spooky night in Senenthia
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Across The Obelisk: Spooky night in Senenthia
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Across The Obelisk: Spooky night in Senenthia
Across The Obelisk: Spooky night in Senenthia
Across The Obelisk: Spooky night in Senenthia
Across The Obelisk: Spooky night in Senenthia
Across The Obelisk: Spooky night in Senenthia
Across The Obelisk: Spooky night in Senenthia
Across The Obelisk: Spooky night in Senenthia
Across The Obelisk: Spooky night in Senenthia

Get into the Halloween Spirit with Across the Obelisk: Spooky Night in Senenthia!

Get into the Halloween Spirit with Across the Obelisk: Spooky Night in Senenthia!

A sinister moon rises over Senenthia and our heroes dress up for the occasion.

Spooky Night in Senenthia include:
- 10 spooky character skins! (3 new additions in 2023!)
- 1 exclusive cardback

- Evelyn, the Vampiress
- Heiner, the Gravekeeper
- Gustav, the Mariachi
- Reginald, the Frankenstein
- Nezglekt, the Scarecrow
- Sylvie, the Witch
- Grukli, the Boogeyman

(Added in 2023):
- Wilbur, the Martian
- Magnus, the Count Draculnus
- Malukah, the Corpse Bride

© 2022 Paradox Interactive AB. All rights reserved.

Minimum Requirements:

  • OS: Windows 10
  • Processor: 2.0 Ghz
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Graphics: 1Gb Video Memory, capable of OpenGL 3.0+ support (2.1 with ARB extensions acceptable)
  • Storage: 1 GB available space

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1. En primer lugar, abre el cliente de Steam. (Si no lo tienes, simplemente haz clic en el botón "Instalar Steam" aquí => Tienda de Steam)
2. Inicia sesión en tu cuenta de Steam. (Si no tienes una, haz clic aquí para crear una nueva => Cuenta de Steam)
3. Haz clic en el botón "AÑADIR UN JUEGO" en la esquina inferior del cliente.
4. Luego, selecciona "Activar un producto en Steam..."
5. Escribe o copia y pega la clave de activación que has recibido de Voidu en la ventana.
6. ¡Tu juego ahora es visible en tu biblioteca! Haz clic en tu "Biblioteca".
7. Y finalmente, haz clic en el juego y selecciona "Instalar" para comenzar la descarga.

Across The Obelisk: Spooky night in Senenthia

Active Activado en United States
Editor: Paradox Interactive
Sistema operativo:
Fecha de lanzamiento: 12 Dec 2023

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