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01 Oct 2010 Flashsale 00:00
Age of Wonders II: The Wizard's Throne
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Age of Wonders II: The Wizard's Throne
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Age of Wonders II: The Wizard's Throne
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Age of Wonders II: The Wizard's Throne
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Age of Wonders II: The Wizard's Throne
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Age of Wonders II: The Wizard's Throne
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Age of Wonders II: The Wizard's Throne
Age of Wonders II: The Wizard's Throne
Age of Wonders II: The Wizard's Throne
Age of Wonders II: The Wizard's Throne
Age of Wonders II: The Wizard's Throne
Age of Wonders II: The Wizard's Throne

Age of Wonders II is the wildly anticipated sequel to the award-winning strategy phenomenon.

Age of Wonders II is the wildly anticipated sequel to the award-winning strategy phenomenon. Delivering an invigorating mix of Empire Building, Role-playing, and Warfare, Age of Wonders II brings s turn-based strategy to new heights.
Awakened to join an immortal group of Wizards in the Circle of Evermore, you must restore balance to a world on the brink of collapse.

Age of Wonders, the Age of Wonders logo, Triumph Studios and the Triumph Studios logo are trademarks of Triumph Studios B.V.. Copyright (c) 2010 Triumph Studios B.V.. All Rights Reserved.
All other trademarks and trade names are properties of their respective owners.

Windows Minimum Requirements:

  • OS: Windows 95 or later
  • Processor: Intel Pentium 300+ CPU
  • Memory: 64MB RAM
  • Graphics: DirectX compatible graphic card
  • Hard Drive: 500MB hard disk

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7. Y finalmente, haz clic en el juego y selecciona "Instalar" para comenzar la descarga.

Age of Wonders II: The Wizard's Throne

Active Activado en United States
Editor: Paradox Interactive
Sistema operativo:
Fecha de lanzamiento: 01 Oct 2010