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25 Mar 2021 Flashsale 00:00
Hunting Simulator 2: A Ranger's Life
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Hunting Simulator 2: A Ranger's Life
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Hunting Simulator 2: A Ranger's Life
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Hunting Simulator 2: A Ranger's Life
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Hunting Simulator 2: A Ranger's Life
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Hunting Simulator 2: A Ranger's Life
Hunting Simulator 2: A Ranger's Life
Hunting Simulator 2: A Ranger's Life
Hunting Simulator 2: A Ranger's Life
Hunting Simulator 2: A Ranger's Life

In this new scripted campaign, you accompany Dexter and his faithful Labrador Retriever Darius in ...

Proteger y preservar: ese es el lema de los guardas forestales.
En esta nueva campaña guionizada, acompañas a Dexter y a su fiel labrador retriever Darius en su vida cotidiana como guarda forestal de un parque nacional de Colorado. Como un auténtico conservacionista de la naturaleza, exploras un área enorme alrededor de tu cabaña para encontrar y tratar animales, recoger muestras para su análisis, controlar la proliferación de especies invasoras y preservar la salud del entorno.

©2020 Published by Nacon and developed by Neopica. All rights reserved.
All weapons, clothes, equipment and brand names and logos are the properties of their respective owners. The license for the Winchester® trademark is granted to Browning International by the Olin Corporation (USA). Browning is a Trademark of Browning International S.A. Bushnell trademarks and product designs are property of Bushnell Inc. and used with permission. SAKO and TIKKA are registered trademarks of Sako LTD, a Beretta Group Company. All rights reserved. Kryptek and the Kryptek helmet logos are registered trademarks of Kryptek Outdoor Group, LLC in the US and other countries and the camouflage and patterns of Kryptek Outdoor Group, LLC are protected by copyright and patent registrations.

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7. Y finalmente, haz clic en el juego y selecciona "Instalar" para comenzar la descarga.

Hunting Simulator 2: A Ranger's Life

Active Activado en United States
Editor: Nacon
Sistema operativo:
Fecha de lanzamiento: 25 Mar 2021

Este juego tiene restricción de edad.


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