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10 Oct 2018 Flashsale 00:00
Starship Corporation: Cruise Ships
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Starship Corporation: Cruise Ships
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Starship Corporation: Cruise Ships
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Starship Corporation: Cruise Ships
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Starship Corporation: Cruise Ships
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Starship Corporation: Cruise Ships
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Starship Corporation: Cruise Ships
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Starship Corporation: Cruise Ships
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Starship Corporation: Cruise Ships
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Starship Corporation: Cruise Ships
Starship Corporation: Cruise Ships
Starship Corporation: Cruise Ships
Starship Corporation: Cruise Ships
Starship Corporation: Cruise Ships
Starship Corporation: Cruise Ships
Starship Corporation: Cruise Ships
Starship Corporation: Cruise Ships
Starship Corporation: Cruise Ships

Expand your business and master space tourism by choosing from 9 new fuselages. Whether building a ...

Expand your business and master space tourism by choosing from 9 new fuselages. Whether building a small ferry, a super-yacht or a luxury liner – you will need to find the right balance. Build for established cruise lines, or try your luck by establishing your own cruise line.

The range of new rooms are not only necessary to house passengers in different classes aboard your cruise ships, but also to entertain them in many different ways: movie theaters, restaurants, casinos, gyms, pools, bars, restrooms and laundry rooms not only influence the happiness of your guests, but can also produce good profit.

The new crew type “Steward” is needed to maintain the recreational facilities for optimal efficiency – customer happiness is the key to success.


  • 9 new fuselages, from small ferry to large cruise ships
  • 12 new contracts from cruise line companies
  • 16 new recreational facilities
  • New crew type: Steward
  • New Crew Management Mission: Cruise Ship Operation

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Starship Corporation: Cruise Ships

Active Activado en United States
Editor: Iceberg Interactive B.V.
Sistema operativo:
Fecha de lanzamiento: 10 Oct 2018