A first-person interactive story for mature audiences, The Assembly immerses you in the morally challenging world of a secret organisation. Play as two individuals from contrasting perspectives where you will face trials, investigate the Assembly’s secret bunker and make tough decisions. Will your actions and their repercussions save lives or lead to catastrophe?
The Assembly es una historia interactiva en primera persona creada para adultos y que te sumerge en un mundo de una organización secreta que pondrá a prueba tu moralidad. Encarna a dos personajes desde dos perspectivas contrastadas y enfréntate a pruebas, investiga el búnker secreto de la Asamblea y toma decisiones difíciles. ¿Salvarás vidas gracias a tus acciones y sus repercusiones o, tal vez, abocarás al mundo a una gran catástrofe?
Minimum Requirements
"Graphic: NVIDIA GTX 970",
"Graphic: AMD 290",
"Graphic: AMD Radeon HD 7700",
"OS: Windows 7 64 bits",
"CPU: Intel Core 2 2.4GHz",
"CPU: Intel i5-4590 2.4GHz",
"CPU: Quad CPU Q6600 2.4GHz",
"Memory: 8GB",
"Storage: 5GB"
In order to activate this game, you will require a third-party 'Steam' account. For full details on how to activate please follow this link: https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=5414-TFBN-1352
This game is age restricted.