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24 Jun 2010 Flashsale 10:53
The Guild 2 - Pirates of the European Seas
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The Guild 2 - Pirates of the European Seas
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The Guild 2 - Pirates of the European Seas
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The Guild 2 - Pirates of the European Seas
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The Guild 2 - Pirates of the European Seas
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The Guild 2 - Pirates of the European Seas
The Guild 2 - Pirates of the European Seas
The Guild 2 - Pirates of the European Seas
The Guild 2 - Pirates of the European Seas
The Guild 2 - Pirates of the European Seas

The first true life simulation series set in the fascinating medieval Europe! The Addon expands and ...

The first true life simulation series set in the fascinating medieval Europe!

The Addon expands and transforms the game into an even greater experience by adding a huge area including the cities of "The Hanse" located at the shores of the European seas. Sea battles and naval trading are added to the gameplay, and a new campaign mode provides more than 10 hours of additional fun.

Key Features

  • Naval trading, sea battles
  • 4 new maps, 5 different types of ships, each one can be equipped according to your needs
  • Campaign mode including more than 10 hours of pure medieval fun
  • New buildings (harbour, fishermans hut, pirate outpost), trading station as upgrade
  • New professions: Pirate and Medicus!
  • 3 new offices and titles of nobility with new privileges

Minimum Requirements:

  • OS: Windows® XP, Vista
  • Processor: 2 GHz CPU
  • Memory: 512 MB RAM
  • Graphics: DirectX9 capable graphics adapter with Pixelshader Model 1.1
  • DirectX®: DirectX9
  • Sound: DirectX9 capable

Recommended Requirements:

  • OS: Windows® XP, Vista
  • Processor: 2.8 GHz CPU or better
  • Memory: 1 GB RAM
  • Graphics: DirectX9 capable graphics adapter with Pixelshader Model 2
  • DirectX®: DirectX9
  • Sound: DirectX9 capable


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The Guild 2 - Pirates of the European Seas

Active Activado en United States
Editor: THQ Nordic
Sistema operativo:
Fecha de lanzamiento: 24 Jun 2010

Este juego tiene restricción de edad.
