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29 Nov 2016 Flashsale 16:08
The Metronomicon - J-Punch Challenge Pack
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The Metronomicon - J-Punch Challenge Pack
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The Metronomicon - J-Punch Challenge Pack
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The Metronomicon - J-Punch Challenge Pack
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The Metronomicon - J-Punch Challenge Pack
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The Metronomicon - J-Punch Challenge Pack
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The Metronomicon - J-Punch Challenge Pack
The Metronomicon - J-Punch Challenge Pack
The Metronomicon - J-Punch Challenge Pack
The Metronomicon - J-Punch Challenge Pack
The Metronomicon - J-Punch Challenge Pack
The Metronomicon - J-Punch Challenge Pack

You need a break. It's time for something a bit more mellow, no? Soothe yourself to the sounds of ...

You need a break. It's time for something a bit more mellow, no? Soothe yourself to the sounds of our first solo-artist challenge pack. The very same gent who created all the cutscene and original music for the game... J-Punch!

Three new songs, three new challenges, and three new awesome pieces of gear! It's time for the J-Punch challenge pack!

Is there a hero you really like? Earn an item that lets you ride a lane even harder. It's hidden in in J-Punch's "Hours Late!"

Want an item that makes enemies spawn in twos, for an even bigger challenge? Battle along-side a team of friendly Wisps for a strategic reward. In J-Punch's "Shoes"!

Lastly, J-Punch's "Make It Blue" rounds out our first GottaGoFast-like playlist challenge. Beat all three songs quick enough for an item Perfectly suited for a speedrun tournament. And named after our champion!

All three songs are playable in both Freeplay and Arena modes! And now in Story Mode too!!

Para activar este juego, se necesita una cuenta tercera 'Steam'. Para más detalles sobre como activar, siga el link: https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=5414-TFBN-1352

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1. En primer lugar, abre el cliente de Steam. (Si no lo tienes, simplemente haz clic en el botón "Instalar Steam" aquí => Tienda de Steam)
2. Inicia sesión en tu cuenta de Steam. (Si no tienes una, haz clic aquí para crear una nueva => Cuenta de Steam)
3. Haz clic en el botón "AÑADIR UN JUEGO" en la esquina inferior del cliente.
4. Luego, selecciona "Activar un producto en Steam..."
5. Escribe o copia y pega la clave de activación que has recibido de Voidu en la ventana.
6. ¡Tu juego ahora es visible en tu biblioteca! Haz clic en tu "Biblioteca".
7. Y finalmente, haz clic en el juego y selecciona "Instalar" para comenzar la descarga.

The Metronomicon - J-Punch Challenge Pack

Active Activado en United States
Editor: Akupara Games
Sistema operativo:
Fecha de lanzamiento: 29 Nov 2016

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