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20 Sep 2012 Flashsale 00:00
Torchlight II
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Torchlight II
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Torchlight II
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Torchlight II
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Torchlight II
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Torchlight II
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Torchlight II
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Torchlight II
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Torchlight II
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Torchlight II
Torchlight II
Torchlight II
Torchlight II
Torchlight II
Torchlight II
Torchlight II
Torchlight II
Torchlight II

The adventure continues in Torchlight II! An Action RPG filled with epic battles, bountiful ...

The award-winning Action RPG is back, bigger and better than ever! Torchlight II is filled to the brim with randomized levels, enemies and loot. Capturing all the flavor and excitement of the original, Torchlight II expands the world and adds features players wanted most, including online and LAN multiplayer. Once again, the fate of the world is in your hands.

Key Features

With four classes to choose from, you’ll have a variety of play styles at your fingertips. Each class can be played as either male or female, with customized cosmetic features and looks to make your hero stand out.

Play co-op with your friends via LAN or over the Internet for free. Our matchmaking service lets you connect and play games with people around the world.

Explore the vast overworld and multiple hub towns of Vilderan. Fight through rain, snow, day and night. Level randomization ensures new layouts, paths, loot, and monsters every time you play.

Torchlight II supports Steam Workshop, allowing for automatic mod subscription and synchronization. Choose from over a thousand mods and bend the game to your will. Or use GUTS, the Torchlight II editor, to create and share your work with the entire world!

In New Game Plus, the game's not over until you say it is. Once you've beaten Torchlight II's primary campaign, you can start again with the same character for a significantly greater challenge. You'll keep all the skills, gold, and gear you worked so hard for!

These popular features make their return in Torchlight II in improved form. More choices, better effects, and your pet will still make the run to town to sell your loot so you don’t have to.

Copyright © 2017 Runic Games, Inc. Torchlight II, Runic and Runic Games are registered trademarks of Runic Games, Inc. All rights reserved.

Windows Minimum Requirements:

  • OS: Windows XP SP3/Vista/Windows 7
  • Processor: x86-compatible 1.4GHz or faster processor
  • Memory: 1GB System RAM
  • Hard Disk Space: 1.7GB free space (subject to change)
  • Video Card: DirectX compatible 3D graphics card with at least 256MB of addressable memory.
  • DirectX®: 9.0c
  • Internet: A broadband internet connection (for Steam download and online multiplayer) - Online multiplayer requires a free Runic Account

Mac Minimum Requirements:

  • OS: Mac OS X 10.8, 10.9, 10.10
  • Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo, 2.0GHz or faster processor
  • Memory: 2GB System RAM
  • Hard Disk Space: 1.7GB free space (subject to change) on a case-insensitive volume
  • Video Card: OpenGL 2.0 compatible 3D graphics card with at least 256MB of addressable memory (ATI Radeon x1600 or NVIDIA equivalent)
  • Internet: A broadband internet connection (for Steam download and online multiplayer) - Online multiplayer requires a free Runic Account

Linux Minimum Requirements:

  • OS: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (or similar, Debian-based distro)
  • Processor: x86/x86_64-compatible, 2.0GHz or better processor
  • Memory: 2GB System RAM
  • Hard Disk Space: 1.7GB free space (subject to change)
  • Video Card: OpenGL 2.0 compatible 3D graphics card* with at least 256 MB of addressable memory (ATI Radeon x1600 or NVIDIA equivalent)
  • Internet: A broadband internet connection (for Steam download and online multiplayer) - Online multiplayer requires a free Runic Account


Para activar la clave de Steam que has recibido, sigue las instrucciones a continuación:

1. En primer lugar, abre el cliente de Steam. (Si no lo tienes, simplemente haz clic en el botón "Instalar Steam" aquí => Tienda de Steam)
2. Inicia sesión en tu cuenta de Steam. (Si no tienes una, haz clic aquí para crear una nueva => Cuenta de Steam)
3. Haz clic en el botón "AÑADIR UN JUEGO" en la esquina inferior del cliente.
4. Luego, selecciona "Activar un producto en Steam..."
5. Escribe o copia y pega la clave de activación que has recibido de Voidu en la ventana.
6. ¡Tu juego ahora es visible en tu biblioteca! Haz clic en tu "Biblioteca".
7. Y finalmente, haz clic en el juego y selecciona "Instalar" para comenzar la descarga.

Torchlight II

Active Activado en United States
Editor: Arc Games
Sistema operativo:
Fecha de lanzamiento: 20 Sep 2012

Este juego tiene restricción de edad.


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