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13 Nov 2009 Flashsale 12:27
Tropico 3: Gold Edition
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Tropico 3: Gold Edition
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Tropico 3: Gold Edition
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Tropico 3: Gold Edition
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Tropico 3: Gold Edition
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Tropico 3: Gold Edition
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Tropico 3: Gold Edition
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Tropico 3: Gold Edition
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Tropico 3: Gold Edition
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Tropico 3: Gold Edition
Tropico 3: Gold Edition
Tropico 3: Gold Edition
Tropico 3: Gold Edition
Tropico 3: Gold Edition
Tropico 3: Gold Edition
Tropico 3: Gold Edition
Tropico 3: Gold Edition
Tropico 3: Gold Edition

Engage in a tropical power trip! Become the dictator of a remote island during the Cold War. Charm, ...

Tropico 3 Gold Edition includes the base game, Tropico 3 and the Tropico 3 Absolute Power DLC.

Engage in a tropical power trip! Become the dictator of a remote island during the Cold War. Charm, persuade, intimidate, oppress, or cheat your people to stay in power! Are you a kind and generous leader? A corrupt and ruthless tyrant ruling with an iron fist? Turn your island into a tourist paradise or an industrial power. Make promises to the electorate or slander political adversaries to get the crucial votes for the upcoming elections. Send your avatar to congratulate the people, visit the island of another player, or just sun-bathe on the Caribbean beach.

Play the Cold War superpowers against each other to your maximum advantage. Tropico 3 offers a tongue-in-cheek, light-hearted take on real world issues like third world politics, corruption and totalitarian regimes.

Key Features:

  • Have it your way! Run Tropico as a tourist mecca, an economic miracle, a police state or all three!
  • Enjoy both the epic challenge of the 15-mission Campaign Mode and the intoxicating freedom of Sandbox Mode.
  • When you’re the corrupt dictator of strategically important islands, stuff happens! Wield your influence over every aspect of island life to prepare for everything from natural disasters to nuclear war.
  • Help the people see things your way by “recounting” elections, “calming” rebels and issuing “creative” edicts, such as Burn Books, Bribe Factions and Print Money.
  • Play as your favourite dictator! Pick from a rich list including Che Guevara, Evita Peron and of course, Fidel. Or create your very own strongman by shaping their character, background and beliefs.
  • Create a cult of personality around El Presidente, help compose his silver-tongued speeches, manipulate the media and build monuments in his honor.
  • Enjoy “Absolute Power”, the expansion pack included in Tropico 3: Gold Edition which offers a completely new 10-mission campaign.
  • And always remember - power corrupts, but absolute power totally rocks.

Minimum Requirements:

  • Windows® XP & Vista
  • 2.4 GHz Single Core
  • 1 GB RAM
  • 4 GB Free disk space
  • 256 MB DirectX9c graphics adapter, Shader Model 3 (Geforce 6 series, Radeon X1300 or later)

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1. En primer lugar, abre el cliente de Steam. (Si no lo tienes, simplemente haz clic en el botón "Instalar Steam" aquí => Tienda de Steam)
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6. ¡Tu juego ahora es visible en tu biblioteca! Haz clic en tu "Biblioteca".
7. Y finalmente, haz clic en el juego y selecciona "Instalar" para comenzar la descarga.

Tropico 3: Gold Edition

Active Activado en United States
Editor: Kalypso Media UK. Ltd
Sistema operativo:
Fecha de lanzamiento: 13 Nov 2009

Este juego tiene restricción de edad.
