Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth is a new science-fiction-themed entry into the award-winning Civilization series. Set in the future, global events have destabilized the world leading to a collapse of modern society, a new world order and an uncertain future for humanity. As the human race struggles to recover, the re-developed nations focus their resources on deep space travel to chart a new beginning for mankind.
Minimum Requirements
"OS: 10.9.5 (Mavericks), 10.10 (Yosemite)
Processor: Intel Core i3 (2.2 ghz)
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: ATI Radeon 4850 / nVidia 640M /Intel HD 4000
Storage: 8 GB available space
Additional Notes: NOTICE: It is possible for Mac and PC to become out of sync during updates or patches. Within this short time period, Mac users will only be able to play other Mac users. NOTICE: The following video chipsets are unsupported for Civilization: Beyond Earth (Mac) • ATI Radeon X1000 series, HD 2400, 2600, 3870, 4670, 6490, 6630 • NVIDIA GeForce 7000 series, 8600, 8800, 9400, 9600, 320, 330, GT 120 • Intel GMA series, HD 3000"
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