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14 Oct 2014 Flashsale 15:52
Crusader Kings II: The Song of Roland Ebook
Crusader Kings II: The Song of Roland Ebook
Crusader Kings II: The Song of Roland Ebook
Crusader Kings II: The Song of Roland Ebook
Crusader Kings II: The Song of Roland Ebook
Crusader Kings II: The Song of Roland Ebook

To celebrate the release of the Charlemagne expansion for Crusader Kings 2, Paradox Books releases ...

To celebrate the release of the Charlemagne expansion for Crusader Kings 2, Paradox Books releases this classic epic poem The Song of Roland, in ebook format.

The Song of Roland (La Chanson de Roland in French) is a story of heroism based on the Battle of Roncevaux in 778, in the reign of Charlemagne. Believed to be written in the 11th century, it is one of the oldest surviving major works in French literature.

This translation by Charles Kenneth Moncrieff is in the public domain. It includes a new preface by Jakob Munthe, the brand manager for Crusader Kings II at Paradox Interactive.

Instructions are as follows:

Upon purchase, this book will be downloaded to your computer in two formats: epub and mobi (Kindle). To access your ebook, navigate to the ebook folder in your Crusader Kings II game folder.

- Right click Crusader Kings II in your Steam Library

- Select Properties

- Go to the Local Files tab

- Click Browse Local Files

- Open the ebook folder

- To read the book on your mobile device, transfer the epub or mobi file to the device and open the file in your ebook reader app. Enjoy!

Paradox Interactive, CRUSADER KINGS® Copyright© [2013] Paradox Interactive AB All rights reserved. www.paradoxplaza.com

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Crusader Kings II: The Song of Roland Ebook

Active Aktiválva United States
Kiadó: Paradox Interactive
Operációs rendszer:
Kiadási dátum: 14 Oct 2014

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