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Hunt the Night
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Hunt the Night
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Hunt the Night
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Hunt the Night
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Hunt the Night
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Hunt the Night
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Hunt the Night
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Hunt the Night
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Hunt the Night
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Hunt the Night
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Hunt the Night
Hunt the Night
Hunt the Night
Hunt the Night
Hunt the Night
Hunt the Night
Hunt the Night
Hunt the Night
Hunt the Night
Hunt the Night

Hunt the Night is a retro-style action-adventure game that combines fast, skilled gameplay with ...

Hunt the Night is a retro-style action-adventure game that combines fast, skilled gameplay with dark fantasy lore. Play as Vesper, a virtuous member of 'The Stalkers,' and explore the vast world of Medhram, a place filled with ruins and horrors. Go through dungeons full of gruesome enemies, fight challenging bosses, and use your arsenal of weapons and dark powers to take back the Night.

It is the 9th Age of humanity. The cycle of day is ruled by humans, the night one by horrid creatures. Despite its efforts, humanity is annihilated with every arrival of the Night.

A group of humans, calling themselves 'The Stalkers,’ discovered how to use the power of darkness to their advantage and fought the Night. However, it was not enough, and with every new dawn humanity rose again knowing that, with darkness, comes extinction.

Humanity found the ‘Seal of Night,’ an artifact that allowed them to stop the cycle in an everlasting day. In exchange for a blood oath that The Stalkers were willing to pay, the sun ruled for hundreds of generations and, for the first time, hope was a beacon of light. Yet fate proved unstoppable, and they paid the ultimate price.

Now, as the Night starts devouring every single glint of light, Vesper, a Stalker by right and daughter of the traitor, will travel a dying land trying to save the last embers of humanity. She hunts in a race against destiny, as the shadows lengthen both in the world and in her mind.

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1. Prima di tutto, apri il client Steam. (Se non lo hai, clicca semplicemente sul pulsante "Installa Steam" qui => Negozio di Steam)
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7. E infine, clicca sul gioco e seleziona "Installa" per avviare il download.

Hunt the Night

Active Attivato in United States
Editore: Dangen Entertainment
Sistema operativo:
Data di rilascio: 13 Apr 2023

Questo gioco è soggetto a restrizioni di età.


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