After making its debut in Rally Finland in 1997, the Toyota Corolla WRC quickly made its mark, ...
Etter debuten i Rally Finland i 1997 satte Toyota Corolla WRC raskt sine spor, og tok sin første seier i Monte Carlo i åpningen av 1998-sesongen. Toyota vant sin tredje produsenttittel det påfølgende året, med denne bilen. Toyota Corolla er det japanske bilmerkets stjerne!
Firehjulsdrift og turbomotor på 300 hestekrefter holdt til verdensmestertittelen i 1999.
Rekorden? Bilen tok pallplassering i 95 % av løpene den deltok i! Et autentisk 90-talls-ikon!
FIA World Rally Championship ©2020 Published by Nacon and developed by KT Racing. An official product of the FIA World Rally Championship, under licence of WRC Promoter GmbH and the Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile. Manufacturers, vehicles, names, brands and associated imagery featured in this game are trademarks and/or copyrighted materials of their respective owners. All rights reserved. Warning: This is a virtual game and not real life. Be cautious, do not imitate the vehicle movements shown in this game when you are driving a car in real life. Remember: drive safely!
NOTICE: This content requires the base game WRC 9 FIA World Rally Championship on Steam in order to play.
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