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01 Jan 1999 Flashsale 00:00
Black Moon Chronicles
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Black Moon Chronicles
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Black Moon Chronicles
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Black Moon Chronicles
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Black Moon Chronicles
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Black Moon Chronicles
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Black Moon Chronicles
Black Moon Chronicles
Black Moon Chronicles
Black Moon Chronicles
Black Moon Chronicles
Black Moon Chronicles

Side with one of the kingdom's four factions (Light, Black Moon, Empire or Justice) and fight to ...


Wishmerill, a half-elf on a quest for power in a medieval world, is ready to grant you his experience and powers.

Side with one of the kingdom's four factions (Light, Black Moon, Empire or Justice) and fight to restore balance among the people and prevent the Empire's destruction... or alternatively choose to destroy it.

the Kingdom's Fate Lies In Your hands!


the Kingdom Is In Danger!

Evil archmage Haazheela Thorn has raised a formidable army of orcs and demons in his bid to secure world domination.
Playing as Wishmerill, an intrepid war hero with a devil-may-care attitude and dreams of riches and glory, you will need to choose your faction to determine the kingdom's fate.

Join the forces of good led by Emperor Hagendorf or side with the fearsome Haazheela Thorn as you seek to achieve your goals in this strategy game featuring a blend of adventure and tactical skill.

Manage your troops on the battlefield, hone their skills in the castle's enclosure and upgrade your technology to keep your enemies trailing in your wake in this highly tactic-oriented strategy game.

Experience a truly epic adventure, where your chosen alliances will shape future events.


  • Directly inspired by the comic series of the same name by Ledroit and Pontet.
  • Before each campaign, choose one of the four factions, each with its own specific attributes.
  • Train, manage and lead your troops to victory through approximately 100 missions.
  • Create your own storylines using the built-in map editor.

    2016 © Microids. All rights reserved. Syberia is a trademark of Anuman and Microids. All rights reserved. All other trademarks and copyrights are the properties of their respective owners.
    Copyright © 1999 Cryo Interactive Entertainment. All rights reserved.

Minimum Requirements:

  • OS: Windows 95/98/XP/Me/Vista/7/8
  • Processor: 200 MHz
  • Memory: 32 MB RAM
  • Graphics: DirectX 8.1-compatible graphics card with 2 MB
  • DirectX: Version 8.1
  • Storage: 540 MB available space
  • Sound Card: All DirectX-compatible cards

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1. Öppna först Steam-klienten. (Om du inte har det, klicka bara på knappen "Installera Steam" här => Steam Store)
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6. Ditt spel är nu synligt i ditt bibliotek! Klicka på "Bibliotek".
7. Och slutligen, klicka på spelet och välj "Installera" för att börja nedladdningen.

Black Moon Chronicles

Active Aktiverad i United States
Utgivare: Microids
Operativ system:
Utgivningsdatum: 01 Jan 1999

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