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26 Jul 2019 Flashsale 00:00
Fire Emblem Three Houses - Expansion Pass EU Nintendo Switch
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Fire Emblem Three Houses - Expansion Pass EU Nintendo Switch
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Fire Emblem Three Houses - Expansion Pass EU Nintendo Switch
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Fire Emblem Three Houses - Expansion Pass EU Nintendo Switch
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Fire Emblem Three Houses - Expansion Pass EU Nintendo Switch
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Fire Emblem Three Houses - Expansion Pass EU Nintendo Switch
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Fire Emblem Three Houses - Expansion Pass EU Nintendo Switch
Fire Emblem Three Houses - Expansion Pass EU Nintendo Switch
Fire Emblem Three Houses - Expansion Pass EU Nintendo Switch
Fire Emblem Three Houses - Expansion Pass EU Nintendo Switch
Fire Emblem Three Houses - Expansion Pass EU Nintendo Switch
Fire Emblem Three Houses - Expansion Pass EU Nintendo Switch

Buy Fire Emblem: Three Houses Expansion Pass if you want an even broader and deeper immersion. Fire ...

This Product can ONLY be redeemed on accounts registered in Europe!

This product does not include the base game.

Buy Fire Emblem: Three Houses Expansion Pass if you want an even broader and deeper immersion. Fire Emblem: Three Houses is an exceptional turn-based strategy game where you’ll have the ability to explore the mightiest school’s borders as well as teach, cater, and lead the finest troop of warriors from one of the three available mighty households. Stay agile and vigilant and be fully prepared for the awaiting challenges – there’s no better way to do so, than by acquiring this Expansion Pass.


The Fire Emblem: Three Houses Expansion Pass should not be taken lightly. It will provide you with four awesome waves of DLC content the very moment they go live and while each of these DLCs will be available separately, buying them as a bundle comes with many benefits, one of which is, of course, the price. You’re the professor of a prestigious school, getting the full assortment of skill and knowledge should without a doubt be your top priority!

The full contents of Fire Emblem: Three Houses Expansion Pass include:

  • Wave 1: Special Officers Academy design outfits for both, female and male Byleth.
  • Wave 2: New Auxiliary battle maps, tons of useful in-game items for support, and more!
  • Wave 3: Numerous bonus quests and costumes released along with a free-of-charge update.
  • Wave 4: New playable characters along with a new story chapter, locations and more. Released with a free-of-charge update.

Nintendo account registered in Europe

Nintendo Switch Console

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Välj "Nintendo eShop" i HOME-menyn för att starta Nintendo eShop.
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Ange din 16-tecken långa nedladdningskod.
Välj "Skicka" för att bekräfta.

Observera att vissa produkter kan ha separata instruktioner tillgängliga på fliken Systemkrav.

Fire Emblem Three Houses - Expansion Pass EU Nintendo Switch

Active Aktiverad i United States
Utgivare: Nintendo
Operativ system:
Utgivningsdatum: 26 Jul 2019

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