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28 Jun 2023 Flashsale 00:00
Revival: Recolonization
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Revival: Recolonization
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Revival: Recolonization
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Revival: Recolonization
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Revival: Recolonization
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Revival: Recolonization
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Revival: Recolonization
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Revival: Recolonization
Revival: Recolonization
Revival: Recolonization
Revival: Recolonization
Revival: Recolonization
Revival: Recolonization
Revival: Recolonization

Set in a post-apoc version of Earth, Revival is a 4x strategy game where the world and its rules ...

Set in a post-apoc version of Earth, Revival is a 4x strategy game where the world and its rules can change at key moments, creating a deep and highly replayable experience. Explore a transformed planet, negotiate or conquer new territories and bring the light of civilization to regressing human colonies in order to prepare mankind for war with a despotic entity.

Revival generates a vast possibility space for you to play around with. From sudden weather changes to zombie infestations and bans on certain weapon types – boy, you are in for a surprise.

​Adapt to new conditions with the help of the nuanced edict system that allows you to terraform the planet and fine-tune the game rules on specific regions of the map. Protect your settlement from changes by building special shield constructs or by accepting the blessings of your tribe’s totem tree.

Survivors of the terrible catastrophe that almost destroyed mankind have unique traits and bonuses that affect your gameplay style. Pick the right clan to take under your wing and help your followers evolve through four distinct epochs, all the way to futuristic settlements and breakthrough technology.

Command an army that is suited to your play style by gearing up troops with a variety of components, which can also be crafted. Adapt your tactics in intense turn-based battles by mixing and matching different parts, as well as smartly using destructible cover to defeat your enemies.

Revival takes place on our own home planet whose landscape and climate have been dramatically transformed. Discover pre-cataclysm artifacts and anomalies with unexpected behaviors. Face off against wild beasts that have evolved to survive in these conditions, as well as fearsome mechanical automatons that roam the lands.

(c) HeroCraft, 2024. All rights reserved.




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Revival: Recolonization

Active Aktiverad i United States
Utgivare: HeroCraft PC
Operativ system:
Utgivningsdatum: 28 Jun 2023