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02 May 2015 Flashsale 00:00
The Big Secret of a Small Town
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The Big Secret of a Small Town
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The Big Secret of a Small Town
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The Big Secret of a Small Town
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The Big Secret of a Small Town
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The Big Secret of a Small Town
The Big Secret of a Small Town
The Big Secret of a Small Town
The Big Secret of a Small Town
The Big Secret of a Small Town

The small town is a very important town indeed. Here, a unique industrial complex is located. Rumor ...

About the Game

The small town is a very important town indeed. Here, a unique industrial complex is located. Rumor has it that it does not require energy for production, because that is exactly what it produces! How is this possible?
It looks like an unknown villain is ready to answer this question. He kidnaps the head of the city administration during his performance, leaving the sinister scarecrow on the stage instead!
What will our search for the Mayor reveal? The secret of the small town is much more than you could possibly imagine!

- Cozy, hand-drawn scenes.

- Puzzles of varying complexity.

- A story told by the villain himself.

- A gallery to complement the story.

Copyright @ 2004 – 2015 ESDigital Games Ltd. All Rights reserved. All other trademarks and copyrights are the properties of their respective owners.

Minimum Requirements:

  • OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8
  • Processor: 1.4 GHz
  • Memory: 1024 MB RAM
  • DirectX: Version 9.0
  • Storage: 350 MB available space

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6. Ditt spel är nu synligt i ditt bibliotek! Klicka på "Bibliotek".
7. Och slutligen, klicka på spelet och välj "Installera" för att börja nedladdningen.

The Big Secret of a Small Town

Active Aktiverad i United States
Utgivare: ESDigital Games
Operativ system:
Utgivningsdatum: 02 May 2015