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19 Nov 2015 Flashsale 23:00
Valhalla Hills: Two-Horned Helmet Edition
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Valhalla Hills: Two-Horned Helmet Edition
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Valhalla Hills: Two-Horned Helmet Edition
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Valhalla Hills: Two-Horned Helmet Edition
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Valhalla Hills: Two-Horned Helmet Edition
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Valhalla Hills: Two-Horned Helmet Edition
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Valhalla Hills: Two-Horned Helmet Edition
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Valhalla Hills: Two-Horned Helmet Edition
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Valhalla Hills: Two-Horned Helmet Edition
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Valhalla Hills: Two-Horned Helmet Edition
Valhalla Hills: Two-Horned Helmet Edition
Valhalla Hills: Two-Horned Helmet Edition
Valhalla Hills: Two-Horned Helmet Edition
Valhalla Hills: Two-Horned Helmet Edition
Valhalla Hills: Two-Horned Helmet Edition
Valhalla Hills: Two-Horned Helmet Edition
Valhalla Hills: Two-Horned Helmet Edition
Valhalla Hills: Two-Horned Helmet Edition

Lead your people. Survive the wilderness. Fight for honor. Reclaim your eternal reward. A brand new ...

You're spending your whole life to please your gods. You're fighting and dying an honorable death. And now this! The poor Vikings are standing in front of Asgard's gates, waiting to enter Valhalla. But the ungrateful Gods won't give them what they deserve, closing the gates right in front of them.

Although, a true Viking never gives up. If it's impossible to enter Valhalla the traditional way, then why not just walk in there? But the usually pretty strong Vikings don't seem to cope well with the danger and challenges of the mountains. Look after your Vikings, gather food, chop wood and take care of the well-being of your small but growing population. Reach the portal on top of the hills, this is the only chance to get your Vikings closer towards their well-earned reward.

As in classical building games, it's essential to increase the productivity of the Vikings by puzzling out an ambitious and balanced economic system in Valhalla Hills.


  • From the developers of classics like “The Settlers 2” and the “Cultures”-Series
  • Be prepared for randomly generated levels with various challenges
  • Look after your Vikings' needs
  • Improve constantly, use your knowledge and achievements for the next map
  • Earn your place in Valhalla, for your Vikings and yourself


  • Season Pass including 2 DLCs
  • 5 Special Ingame Items
  • Digital Artbook
  • Wallpaper
  • Digital Soundtrack
  • Developer Video

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Recommended Requirements:

För att aktivera Steam-nyckeln du har fått, följ instruktionerna nedan;

1. Öppna först Steam-klienten. (Om du inte har det, klicka bara på knappen "Installera Steam" här => Steam Store)
2. Logga in på ditt Steam-konto. (Om du inte har ett, klicka här för att skapa ett nytt => Steam Account)
3. Klicka på knappen "LÄGG TILL ETT SPEL" i nedre hörnet av klienten.
4. Välj sedan "Aktivera en produkt på Steam..."
5. Skriv eller kopiera och klistra in aktiveringsnyckeln du fått från Voidu i fönstret.
6. Ditt spel är nu synligt i ditt bibliotek! Klicka på "Bibliotek".
7. Och slutligen, klicka på spelet och välj "Installera" för att börja nedladdningen.

Valhalla Hills: Two-Horned Helmet Edition

Active Aktiverad i United States
Utgivare: Daedalic Entertainment
Operativ system:
Utgivningsdatum: 19 Nov 2015

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