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01 Oct 2010 Flashsale 00:00
Age of Wonders Shadow Magic
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Age of Wonders Shadow Magic
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Age of Wonders Shadow Magic
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Age of Wonders Shadow Magic
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Age of Wonders Shadow Magic
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Age of Wonders Shadow Magic
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Age of Wonders Shadow Magic
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Age of Wonders Shadow Magic
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Age of Wonders Shadow Magic
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Age of Wonders Shadow Magic
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Age of Wonders Shadow Magic
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Age of Wonders Shadow Magic
Age of Wonders Shadow Magic
Age of Wonders Shadow Magic
Age of Wonders Shadow Magic
Age of Wonders Shadow Magic
Age of Wonders Shadow Magic
Age of Wonders Shadow Magic
Age of Wonders Shadow Magic
Age of Wonders Shadow Magic
Age of Wonders Shadow Magic
Age of Wonders Shadow Magic

Age of Wonders: Shadow Magic is the third entry in the award winning fantasy strategy series.

Age of Wonders: Shadow Magic is the third entry in the award winning fantasy strategy series. This fan-favorite enhances the series' praised fusion of empire building, role-playing and tactical combat with the eerie Shadow World and battle with races never before seen, across new and diverse landscapes.

Combined with the option of creating a totally unique environment with the map generator and rewriting the history of this world through the enhanced campaign editor, you are ensured a constant stream of completely new game experiences.

Age of Wonders, the Age of Wonders logo, Triumph Studios and the Triumph Studios logo are trademarks of Triumph Studios B.V.. Copyright (c) 2010 Triumph Studios B.V.. All Rights Reserved.
All other trademarks and trade names are properties of their respective owners.

Windows Minimum requirements:

  • OS: Windows 95 or later
  • Processor: Intel Pentium 300+ CPU
  • Memory: 64MB RAM
  • Graphics: DirectX compatible graphic card
  • Hard Drive: 500MB hard disk


Steam anahtarınızı etkinleştirmek için aşağıdaki talimatları izleyin:

1. İlk olarak, Steam istemcisini açın. (Yoksa, buradaki "Steam Yükleyin" düğmesine tıklayın => Steam Mağaza)
2. Steam hesabınıza giriş yapın. (Eğer bir hesabınız yoksa, buraya tıklayarak yeni bir tane oluşturun => Steam Hesabı)
3. Steam'in alt köşesindeki "BİR OYUN EKLE" düğmesine tıklayın.
4. Sonra, "Bir ürünü Steam'e etkinleştirin..." seçeneğini seçin.
5. Voidu'dan aldığınız etkinleştirme anahtarını pencereye yazın veya kopyalayın.
6. Oyununuz artık kütüphanenizde görünüyor! "Kütüphane"nize tıklayın.
7. Ve son olarak, oyunun üzerine tıklayın ve indirmeyi başlatmak için "Yükle" seçeneğini seçin.

Age of Wonders Shadow Magic

Active Bulunduğunuz ülkede etkinleştirilebilir United States
Yayımcı: Paradox Interactive
İşletim sistemi:
Yayın tarihi: 01 Oct 2010

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