Ghost of Tsushima DIRECTOR'S CUT

Ghost of Tsushima DIRECTOR'S CUT

A storm is coming. Venture into the complete Ghost of Tsushima DIRECTOR’S CUT on PC; forge your own path through this open-world action adventure and uncover its hidden wonders.

Ghost of Tsushima DIRECTOR'S CUT

Mud, blood and steel
The Mongol enemy is unpredictable and formidable in warfare and weaponry. Get the upper hand by adapting Jin’s skills and learning new tactics to defend the island and protect the people of Tsushima.

Challenge opponents head-on in close quarters with your katana for a unique immersive samurai combat experience. Master the bow to eliminate distant threats with lethal precision. Develop stealth and deception tactics to disorient and ambush enemies with surprise attacks.

An adaptive landscape and organic approach to combat makes Tsushima the perfect playground for mixing and matching skills, weapons, and tactics to find the perfect combat blend for your play style. As Jin’s story unfolds, versatility and creativity will become your greatest weapons.

Meet some of the characters you'ıll meet during your adventure
Jin Sakai
Jin Sakai
While Jin starts the game as a samurai, he’ll learn skills and adopt tactics that are decidedly not samurai-like and begin to form his new identity, The Ghost. As you play, you’ll learn more about Jin, the threats he faces, the allies that help him along his journey, and what he’ll have to give up to become this new kind of warrior.
Shimura is the jito (lord) of Tsushima. He is a samurai as well as uncle and father figure to Jin. He’s trained Jin since childhood in the traditional ways of the samurai, and grows increasingly concerned by the tactics Jin starts to adopt as he abandons his teachings and becomes The Ghost.
Khotun Khan
Khotun Khan
Khan is a Mongol general and leader of the Mongol army invading Tsushima Island. Khan is a ruthless, cunning enemy who uses everything he knows about the samurai to try to destroy them. He’s a brutal, unrelenting adversary that Jin will quickly learn not to underestimate.