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Khóa kích hoạt Đặt trước sẽ có sẵn vào ngày phát hành dự kiến:
30 May 2018 Flashsale 00:00
Pokemon Quest Great Expedition Pack EU Nintendo Switch
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Pokemon Quest Great Expedition Pack EU Nintendo Switch
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Pokemon Quest Great Expedition Pack EU Nintendo Switch
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Pokemon Quest Great Expedition Pack EU Nintendo Switch
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Pokemon Quest Great Expedition Pack EU Nintendo Switch
Pokemon Quest Great Expedition Pack EU Nintendo Switch
Pokemon Quest Great Expedition Pack EU Nintendo Switch
Pokemon Quest Great Expedition Pack EU Nintendo Switch

Set off for adventure in the Pokémon™ Quest game. Venture out with your Pokémon buddies on ...

This Product can ONLY be redeemed on accounts registered in Europe!

This product does not include the base game.

This downloadable content includes the following items to enhance your expedition experience:

・Cooking pot
Increases the number of dishes you can cook at the same time by one.

・Great Ball Model
Increases the number of PM Tickets received as a service for members by 30.

・Eevee Arch
Increases the maximum battery charges by one.

・Lapras Pool
Doubles the chances of attracting multiple Pokémon with your cooking.

This DLC also includes the following one-time bonuses:
・PM Tickets +100
・Lv. 1 Lapras with the special move "Aqua Ring"

Nintendo account registered in Europe

Nintendo Switch Console

Cách nhập mã trên Nintendo Switch:
1- Chọn “Nintendo eShop” từ Menu chính để mở Nintendo eShop.
2- Chọn tài khoản bạn muốn sử dụng.
3- Chọn “Nhập mã” ở phía bên trái của màn hình.
4- Nhập mã tải xuống 16 ký tự.
5- Chọn “Gửi” để xác nhận.
Lưu ý rằng một số sản phẩm có thể có hướng dẫn riêng trong phần Yêu cầu hệ thống.

Pokemon Quest Great Expedition Pack EU Nintendo Switch

Active Được kích hoạt trong United States
Nhà xuất bản: Nintendo
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Ngày phát hành: 30 May 2018

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